Monday, May 30, 2005

My New Art Deco Card

I'm happy to show off my new business cards. The design was heavily influenced by Art Deco. It took me forever because I had to come up to speed on PhotoShop CS2, which is really different than Photoshop 5.5, my previous version. All improvements I've seen so far are for the better.

Ta Da!!

Debra Evans Card as of May 30th, 2005

I think it's an improvement over my old card, which was based on a VistaPrint template.

Debra Evans old August 2004 card

Unfortunately, every other person has the same template, so I had to change. Plus, now mine is more personalized with my initials and colors I chose.

I was influenced by a chair from the architect Bruno Paul and a geometric jacket by Sonia Delaunay. Both of these talented people worked in more than one art form using different materials. I got the idea for my initials, with their mirror image, from a beech chair by Bruno Paul, page 96 of Art Deco: 1910-1939 by Tim Benton, Charlotte Benton, Ghislaine Wood. There's a better picture of Sonia Delaunay's (another link) jacket in the book on page 163.

There were some cool Art Deco fonts I got from free Fonts sites.

Art Deco Fonts considered for card.

Oh, I almost forgot. I found a great site on Art Deco style colors palettes. Both interior and exterior color schemes. They go into detail about decor, furniture and stuff, but I just focused on the colors.

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