Tuesday, January 20, 2009

United States of America President Barack Obama & Vice President Joseph Obama

New Whitehouse.gov Icon

So long President Elect. Hello United States of America President Barack Obama & Vice President Joseph Biden. Today the Obamas and Bidens were rock stars and that's OK. Tomorrow, their noses will be to the grindstone, digging America out of the hole we seem to have fallen into under the less than steller leadership of the presidential administration that ended at noon ET today.

I love the pomp, ritual and ceremony surrounding the Presidential Inauguration. It gives us humans, social creatures that we are, a way to participate and affirm our beliefs in the symbols and concepts that make up American Democracy.

There were so many goosebumpy moments during the day. Including Aretha Franklin's My Country Tis of Thee to seeing the masses of humanity from all around the globe is managed to get themselves to the mall to witness the inauguration in person. I head that access to the mall was even cut off because capacity had been reached. So everyone who wanted to come didn't even make it.

I got up super early so I wouldn't miss any of the action. Since I started watching soon after 4 am PST, I even got to see the Obamas leave the house to go to church service at St. John's Episcopal Church. It seemed like there were crowds of people cheering them everytime they left their vehicle, The Beast. Sometimes even when the Presidential Couple were inside, riding along.

I followed the events with a combination of old media and Web 2.0 social networking technology. I switched back and forth between C-SPAN and C-SPAN 2 satelite subscription on TV. I fluv C-SPAN because they'll just let the camera roll without endless commentary, switching away to stuff I don't care about and commercials. A thinking person can only take so many talking heads and people telling you what to think or feel when certain things come on screen. It's like TV without training wheels.

Online, I had a combination of the CNN/Facebook integration, Twitter, Yahoo Instant Messenger and the web browser going on. There was a lag on CNN, so if I liked a scene on C-SPAN, I could just flip over to the CNN window and watch it again. It was also fun and funny to read the scrolling comments beside the live video feed. A lot of people were watching the inauguration on the down-low at work. Also, you could respond to your Facebook friends as they made comments about the inauguration in real time.

Twitter was good for finding links to cool stuff. I put in the word "Obama" and got to see everyone's comments with the word, not just people you are connected to. I learned about this feature during the election. The web browser was good for getting information such as the name of the designer of Mrs. Obama's inauguration ensemble, how to avoid getting trampled in the crowds, examples of wacky art inspired by Obama or word clouds of various Presidential Inaugural speeches.

President Barack Obama Inaugural Speech Word Tag Cloud

President Barack Obama Inaugural Speech Word Tag Cloud

Needless to say, most of the speeches and musical presentations were very moving and inspirational. Including the ones given at the Inaugural Luncheon. By the way, I hope Senator Ted Kennedy is OK and will recover from his siezure. Luckily Senator Robert Byrd didn't have a medical emergency after all. I'm sure both senior life long Democrats would hate to kick the bucket on the new guy's first day on the job.

Besides President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address, I really enjoyed Reverend Joseph Lowery, a civil rights hero and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) co-founder . Especially the call and response part at the end.

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery gives the benediction at the end of the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)

The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery gives the benediction at the end of the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)

Text of Rev. Lowery's Inauguration Benediction

By The Associated Press

Text of the benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration, as transcribed by Congressional Quarterly Inc. (CQ) Transcriptions:


God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, thou, who has brought us thus far along the way, thou, who has by thy might led us into the light, keep us forever in the path we pray, lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee, lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee.

Shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand true to thee, oh God, and true to our native land.

We truly give thanks for the glorious experience we've shared this day.

We pray now, oh Lord, for your blessing upon thy servant Barack Obama, the 44th president of these United States, his family and his administration.

He has come to this high office at a low moment in the national, and indeed the global, fiscal climate. But because we know you got the whole world in your hands, we pray for not only our nation, but for the community of nations.

Our faith does not shrink though pressed by the flood of mortal ills.

For we know that, Lord, you are able and you're willing to work through faithful leadership to restore stability, mend our brokenness, heal our wounds, and deliver us from the exploitation of the poor, of the least of these, and from favoritism toward the rich, the elite of these.

We thank you for the empowering of thy servant, our 44th president, to inspire our nation to believe that yes we can work together to achieve a more perfect union.

And while we have sown the seeds of greed — the wind of greed and corruption, and even as we reap the whirlwind of social and economic disruption, we seek forgiveness and we come in a spirit of unity and solidarity to commit our support to our president by our willingness to make sacrifices, to respect your creation, to turn to each other and not on each other.

And now, Lord, in the complex arena of human relations, help us to make choices on the side of love, not hate; on the side of inclusion, not exclusion; tolerance, not intolerance.

And as we leave this mountain top, help us to hold on to the spirit of fellowship and the oneness of our family. Let us take that power back to our homes, our workplaces, our churches, our temples, our mosques, or wherever we seek your will.

Bless President Barack, First Lady Michelle. Look over our little angelic Sasha and Malia.

We go now to walk together as children, pledging that we won't get weary in the difficult days ahead. We know you will not leave us alone.

With your hands of power and your heart of love, help us then, now, Lord, to work for that day when nations shall not lift up sword against nation, when tanks will be beaten into tractors, when every man and every woman shall sit under his or her own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid, when justice will roll down like waters and righteousness as a mighty stream.

Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ...


... when yellow will be mellow...


LOWERY: ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen.


LOWERY: Say Amen.


LOWERY: And Amen.



Just watching the Obama's and Biden's walk part of the Inaugural Parade makes me that more impressed with First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden (by the way, I love see their names). Both wore heels and skirts with bare legs showing while walking a couple blocks down the street. Warriors, I tell you.

1 comment:

peace said...

Peace & Prosperity
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Agha Dilbar

My Open Letter (Blog) has been sent Five Lak (500000) to International Community for the welfare of Humanity till today. I Agha Dilbar authorize Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, to Publish and Radio, T.V. Channels to broadcast this letter all round the World.
Website: http://aghadilbar.webs.com

Dear President Barrack Obama
the Great Leader of the World
I Agha Dilbar have sent Mr. President 100 registered research Letters (1000 new ideas to develop America and to Change the World for Peace and Prosperity) through Embassy of USA Islamabad till today and also direct sent these registered Letters to Whitehouse Washington DC 20500.These letters have been written on the guidelines of CHANGE WE NEED. And these letters are about the Common Men Problems of respected American Peoples and their Solutions. To end, Economic Recession, Unemployment and to Finish War, all round the World for Peace and Prosperity. In these letters I have sent one thousand new scientific Planning /Suggestions, about every walk of life for Peace through Friendship Progress and Prosperity all over the World.
Dear Barrack Obama, the Great Leader of the World, my Friend, my Brother, Provide an opportunity to Agha Dilbar to pay an Official Visit to America, that we two brothers can sit together and by halting this horrible war(In this war 1-million people have died from 9/11 till today, if this war continues, it will become the 111- World War.200-Million people would die, if 111-World War is triggered) can take out 6.5 billion people of the World from abyss of destruction and then put them on the road to Progress and Prosperity.
Dear President Barrack Obama considers, from 9/11 till today, America has conducted many war operations in connection with War on Terror, resulting the circle of war has spread hundred times. Millions innocent persons have died. Many More have been rendered homeless. One Lak (10000) war affected youth joined the army of Al-Qaida and Talban by the help of anti American countries have begun gorilla war in a horrible manner. It is the result of wrong war strategy. I Agha Dilbar desire to solve all above mentioned problems in a meeting with President Barrack Obama by adopting new revolutionary planning by bringing an end to present gorilla war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the result the World can enter in a peaceful, advanced and progressive world, May it be so.
I Agha Dilbar have a new War Strategy to achieve success through Table Talk between Talban, Pakistan and American Govts. 90% of Talban that are fighting against Pak Army belong from Swat and Tribal Areas of NWFP. I can provide America all realistic facts in such manner that their implementation could convert these Talban into Patriotic Citizens of Pakistan. In this War Strategy Pakistan Gov will never send his Heavy Artillery, Tanks, Cannons and Air craft in war. In this way 5-million persons will never Displaced. In the end Talban by their will handover, their Weapons to Pakistan Gov, they will come to Table Talk and Suicide Bombing will come to an end in Pakistan. Through this War Strategy Pakistani and American Govts can save expenses on war. Through this planning American and Pakistani Govts can utilize their saving on war budgets for development of Schools, Hospitals, Colonies, Markets, Roads, Bridges, Dams, Canals and Industries of Swat and Tribal Areas of NWFP that are war affected. On account of present war strategy, Billion Dollars are being wasted yearly.
This war can cause Fall of America instead of continuation of war; my best suggestion for America must keep his Supper Power on the World and should conquer the World instead of war, but by his No-1 scientific technology spending on agriculture, industry, trade, education, scientific development and tourism, all round the World. Making an end to Economic Crisis in America.