The prices are comparable to other local doggy daycares in the area, so I'll definitely check them out next time I have the need. Plus Pooch Hotel has other cool stuff like scented floors, aromatherapy, massages and other spa (spaw) services. One thing on the list of services that was unique. Limousine service will pick up within Santa Clara County, homes and businesses. Although the land and underwater treadmill and swim sessions may be rare too.
Located at 180 North Wolfe Road @ Central Expressway in Sunnyvale (only 5 minutes from the San Jose Airport), Pooch Hotel is set to redefine pet boarding options forever, with unparalleled amenities, an environmentally friendly mindset and a level of quality and care never before seen in the South Bay Area. Custom-made hotel suites, all within an eco-friendly facility make the Pooch Hotel a canine’s first choice. With All Day Play, our 8-hour daycare with 15,000 square feet of play space, and the Pooch Hotel Club with a customized exercise pool, underwater and land treadmill and dietary programs, guests are sure to remain fit and cared for throughout their stay. For the pampered pooch, the SPAW™, with aromatherapy bathing, paw-dicures, fur coloring, poochberry facials and tooth brushing, create a quality stay for all guests and delivery.
Some services available to sample:
- Psychic Counselor, Wellness Guidance, Spirit Communication, Life Issue Resolution, Pet Communication: Dani Brown,
- Destino Spa of Palo Alto on hand to give pooch parents and their pooches massages.
- Fresh strawberries and marshmallows with chocolate sauce from La Fondue of Saratoga.
- Pinkies Nail Salon of Los Altos, human manicures and pawdicures.
- Red velvet and chocolate mini cupcakes from Jen's Cakes of San Jose.
- All proceeds from silent auction donated to the Humane Society Silicon Valley, HSSV and Pets Unlimited of San Francisco.
Surya the orangutan and Roscoe the hound dog video from National Geographic, 9-22-9.
I love this video so much.